Residential Burn Permits

A burning permit must be obtained prior to any outside burning within the Town of Topsham. 

Burning permits can be obtained by the following:

1.  On-line: (NO FEE)     Visit Topsham Fire & Rescue On-line Burning Permits
  • Once there click on "All Towns"

  • Then Select Topsham in the "City" (if the fire danger allows for permitting, go on to the next step.  If not you will receive a warning stating:  Fire Warning is Too High to Allow Permitting Today.)

  • Enter your information into the application and click "Submit Permit"

  • On-line permits will be issued starting at 9am and be valid until 11:59pm of the same day (Permits are only valid for day of issue and all burning must be completed by 11:59)

NOTE:  You must have a copy of your permit when burning. (A digital copy is acceptable)

2.  In Person:  (NO FEE) at the Topsham Fire & Rescue Department 7 days a week 9 AM - 4 PM (Subject to staff availability)

Burning Permits will be issued at the discression of the Fire Chief/Warden and the availability of department personnel.  There will be no burning within the Town of Topsham on class 3, 4 & 5 days or when conditions necessitate a burning ban.

Please click the following link to see today's fire classification rating: Fire Danger Class

Burning Permits are only considered valid during the date of issue.

By law, the only things that can be burned are brush, leaves and clean wood.

Burning Permit Conditions:

  • Burning piles are to be kept reasonably small, and attended at all times.
  • Permitted fires that generate any complaints will be investigated by the fire department, and potentially extinguished.

There is to be no burning of the following materials:

  • Flammable or combustible liquids
  • Construction/demolition debris (i.e. plastics, rubber, styrofoam, metals, chemicals)
  • Paper / cardboard
  • Wood boxes
  • Manufactured wood materials
  • Tires
  • Asphalt shingles
  • Wire insulation
  • Rubbish / refuse / garbage
  • Human or animal waste
  • Animal remains

Any violation of these conditions may result in revocation of permit(s), and/or court action.

The permit holder is ultimately responsible for the following of permit conditions and restrictions.