Boston Post Cane
On Thursday April 20, 2017, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve a new Boston Post Cane Policy, therefore reviving the New England tradition.
The Boston Post Cane tradition was established in 1909 by The Boston Post newspaper. A special cane was presented to the Board of Selectmen in 700 towns in New England, to be presented as an honor to each town’s oldest resident. The recipient held the honor as long as he/she lived (or moved from the town). Upon his or her death (or move) the cane would be awarded to the next oldest resident. The cane was constructed of imported ebony from the African Congo, coated with shellac, rubbed down with pumice and coated with French varnish. The head was made of 14K gold with an inscription that read, “Presented by the Boston Post to the oldest citizen of (name of town) – To be transmitted.” The Cane would belong to the town and not the resident who received it. The Selectmen were to be the trustees of the cane.
The holder of the cane must be the oldest known Topsham resident, and has resided in Topsham for a minimum of ten continuous years.
Nomination forms are available at the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town website.
Recognizing that the Town has no formal means of identifying the oldest citizen, selection of the honoree shall be by the Select Board based upon submitted nominations and available data as to eligible residents.
The chairman of the Select Board or his /her designee shall present Topsham’s eldest resident with a certificate/plaque and a pin to signify the honor and the name of the honoree will be inscribed on a plaque displayed with the honoree’s photograph and a brief biography with the Boston Post Cane at the Topsham Town Office.
The location of the presentation will be determined according to the circumstances of the honoree.
The recipient will retain this honor as long as he/she lives.
The Town Clerk’s Office must be notified if the honoree of the Boston Post Cane dies or otherwise refuses or returns the honor. At that time the search/nomination selection procedure will be initiated to choose a new recipient.