Select Board Meetings
To watch an online Select Board meeting (but not participate), please visit the Town's YouTube Channel. Archived meetings can also be viewed on demand at the same location.
Select Board in Conference Room for interviews
Budget Presentations to the Select Board and Finance Committee
Budget Presentations to the Select Board and Finance Committee
Budget Presentations to the Select Board and Finance Committee
Select Board Meeting- Canceled will be held on their regular February 20th meeting
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting- Canceled
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting- Interview at 6:10PM
Select Board Meeting- meeting at 6:10pm for interview
Select Board Meeting- will hold interview at 6:10PM
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Workshop with the TDI Board on TIF's in the Don Russell Meeting Room
Select Board Meeting- Interviews for Boards/Committees in Conference Room at 5:55PM
Select Board Meeting- 5:55PM in Conference Room for interviews
Select Board Meeting- meeting at 5:55 for interviews
Select Board Meeting- meeting has been changed to July 11th at 5:30PM
Select Board Meeting (Interviews at 4:20 PM, Meeting at 5:30 PM)
Select Board Meeting- Canceled
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
Town Meeting - Mt. Ararat High School in the Forum
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting- Directly following the meeting there will be a workshop with CPIC
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting (rescheduled from April 4, 2024)
Department Review Budget Presentation with Finance Committiee in the Don Russell Room
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
Budget Meeting with Finance Committee
Department Review Budget Presentation with Finance Committiee in the Don Russell Room
Department Review Budget Presentation with Finance Committiee in the Don Russell Room
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
FOAA Training
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting- canceled
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
Select Board Meeting
Special Town Meeting- Mt. Ararat High School in the Forum
The purpose of the Special Town Meeting is to address four issues:
(1) The Town has an opportunity to purchase approximately 15 acres of land abutting the Transfer Station property. The Town has an obligation to perfom water testing and provide treatment systems for some properties on Townsend Way due to groundwater contamination believed to caused by the former landfill. The purchase would would mitigate risk of needing to test and possibly provide water treatment systems for additional properties as the purchase would keep the land from being sold as residential lots. A side benefit is that the transfer station property has become a popular recreational area and this land could provide some additional recreational opportunities.
(2) Reducing the area of the 25 Hackmatack Road Affordable Housing Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District. Please see below description in connection with the public hearing which will be held at 6:30 PM, immediately prior to the Town Meeting.
(3) A zoning amendment to the sign ordinance to increase the maximium signage allowed a business in the Commercial Sign District with a building footprint of 60,000 sq. ft., or greater from the current 200 sq. ft. to 400 sq. feet.
(4) A zoning amendment to make the fee paid in lieu of dedicating open space easier to calulate and more equitable by simply imposing a flat fee per bedroom, whether the property is an apartment building or a single family home.
Select Board Meeting- at Mt. Ararat High School in the Forum
In 2021, the Town Meeting approved a tax increment financing district ("TIF") to assist with the funding of a proposed workforce affordable housing project off Hackmatack Road. The TIF district conisisted of the 8.93 acre lot upon which the affordable housing would be built.
Approximately 2.71 acres of the lot will not be needed for the proposed affordable housing project so the Topsham Housing Authortiy has asked to remove this acreage from the TIF to preserve the possibility the excess acreage could be incorporated into a future affordable housing TIF. This amendment removes the 2.71 acres from the district if it is approved by the Town Meeting and the Maine State Housing Authority.