Climate Action Plan Update
The Town of Topsham is updating its Climate Action Plan
The Energy Committee will be hosting a third and final Community Workshop on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30PM in the Municipal Building. The purpose of this meeting is to gather citizen input on the draft of the updated Climate Action Plan.
Current Plan
The Town adopted its current Climate Action Plan in 2012. This plan focused on a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and subsequent actions to limit these emissions. Now, a decade later, an updated plan that is able to focus on the multiple aspects of climate-related impacts, is a priority to the Town.
Update Work
In 2023, the Topsham Energy Committee, working with the Topsham Planning Department, began the process of updating the Climate Action Plan. The new Climate Action Plan intends to focus on adaptation and mitigation strategies, social and economic vulnerability, and a revamped GHG inventory from 2012.
The project was awarded a Community Action Grant in October of 2023 to fund the hiring of a consultant and project management by Midcoast Council of Governments (MCOG). The grant application is attached below.
The process of hiring a consultant is underway. A request for proposals (RFP) was made available in late November with proposals due December 19th.
The RFP, submitted and answered questions about the RFP, and the grant application can be found below
FB Environmental has been selected as the consultant.
Staff Contact: Skye Siladi
207-725-1724 Ext 2113