Welcome to the General Assistance Office
About Us
The General Assistance Program assists residents of Topsham with basic necessities when the need is immediate and the individual is unable to provide the basic necessity essential to maintain themselves or their family. This is a program of last resort.
Basic needs include the following:
- Food
- Utilities
- Heating fuel
- Rent/mortgage
- Personal/household supplies
- Non-elective medical services
- Telephone when medically necessary
The General Assistance Program continues to be a safety net for the most needy. The State reimburses municipalities 70% of the program expenditures.
General Assistance has developed into a program that makes recipients more accountable and encourages self-reliance. A person applying for this assistance is required to utilize all available resources including TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Fuel Assistance and Subsidized Housing. With "Overall Maximums" levels of aid being very low, it is critical to network with local resources to access all available assistance. We partner with local community service provider agencies, mental health professionals, school personnel, senior citizen representatives, clergy, and local law enforcement to ensure that all resources and services have been utilized in an effort to meet the resident's immediate needs.
The Town of Topsham has a General Assistance Program for people in need.
If you need help, your town is required to take your application for General Assistance.
Applications will be taken by appointment only
Call the Town Office at call 725-5821, email ldumont@topshammaine.com or come in to schedule an appointment during regular business hours: Monday-Wednesday 8:30-4:30, Thursday 8:30-6:00, Friday 8:30-3:00
Your Town is required to have someone available 24-hours a day to take applications in an emergency. If this is an Emergency and the office is closed contact: The Topsham Police Department at 725-4337 (the building next door)
Your message will be relayed to the General Assistance Administrator and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Your Town must give you a written decision within 24 hours of receiving your General Assistance application.
If your town refuses to take your application, or you disagree with the decision that was made or you have questions, you can call the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Their toll free number is 1-800-442-6003. This telephone is answered Monday – Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM.
If you call after 5:00pm leave a message with a telephone number.
You will be contacted on the next business day.
Topsham has an ordinance describing the rules for its General Assistance program.
You can see a copy at the Town Manager’s Office or Clerk’s office.
You can also see a copy of the State’s General Assistance law at this same place.
This notice is posted pursuant to Title 22 MRSA section 4304-4305
Updated 01-22
Low-Cost Internet for Income-Eligible Families
A program designed to expand broadband adoption among low-income American households with at least one child eligible to receive free or reduced price school lunches. Once in the program, participants receive fast, affordable Internet service for $9.95/mo + tax, the option to purchase a computer for just $150 and access to free digital literacy training. To learn more or to apply, please call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376) or visit www.xfinity.com/learn/internet-service/internet-essentials.
Topsham Heating Assistance Program
The heating assistance program is available to residents who do not qualify for the General Assistance program or other heating assistance programs such as Warm Thy Neighbor or Li-heap and are currently experiencing a heating emergency. You must be out of heat at the present time and with-out any resources to obtain heat. Proof of household income and an application is required. Contact the office at 725-5821 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Funding for this program is available through fund raising events and donations only. There is no guarantee that funds will be available.
Donations are accepted online by check or credit card or mail checks made payable to the Topsham Heating Program at Town of Topsham 100 Main Street and checks or cash brought to the Tax office, or by going online here.