Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of 5 members and 2 associate members. The Board is charged to hear administrative reviews and appeals where there is a zoning violation or error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Code Enforcement Officer. The Zoning Board also reviews applications for variances on a case by case basis, hears and decides appeals for conditional uses, and has the power to interpret provisions in the Town Zoning Ordinance.
Information regarding Zoning Board establishment, membership, terms of office, appointment, vacancies, and officers can be found at Town code chapter 225-68
David Marcello (Chairman) June 2025
Gordan Donley June 2026
Jotham Trafton June 2027
Michael Nelson June 2026
Vacant (Member)
Vacant (Associate)
Vacant (Associate)